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About us

Where I am talking from...

I was born in Africa...
At the crossroads of Patriarchy and Matriarchy...
In a Universe populated by Tales...
In a Dimension nourished by Myths...
A world turbulent with stories of black magic...

Illegitimate son of an abandoned Queen

In love with a Slave,
The founder of my tribe was initiated into the occult world
By the strength of his freedom of Spirit...
And became the first healer in a long lineage.
So says the Family Legend 
To initiate young people to the courage of Freedom.


After exciting Legal studies
I understood in the middle of my doctoral thesis
That Mental Science does not think

Then began a period of wandering ...
Dark and Sublime path of reconciliation
By the Detour of the Perdition of the Self.

Then began the meeting of the neglected part of myself...
Through the mediation of Art (painting, sculpture, music, poetry...)
Reconciliation with my bodies (martial arts, yoga...)
Through the exploration of the meanders of the psyche
(Psychoanalysis, psychology, philosophy...)



(Neuro Shaman)

Hypnotherapist, shaman (Ayahuasca, Iboga, Bufo Alvarius), EMDR, EFT, art therapist, magnetism, dream interpretation, breathing techniques, kundalini yoga, martial artist, painter, musician.


It was my interest in spirituality that revealed to me
The unavoidable problem of the question of Meaning:
Understanding and Detachment from the Mind
As a condition for overcoming Suffering.



It is quite naturally that the Relationship appeared to me
Like a precious mirror, face of the games of the Ego.
So I turned to the Other...
In particular through accompaniment

People suffering from cancer...
In palliative care units...

As well as the accompaniment of people affected 
By Alzheimer's disease.

From one step to the next...
Attendance at people suffering or at the end of life
Sensitized me to the question of Death...
In the sense of the Presence...
To near-death experiences...
To the world of the Spirit...
And finally to Shamanism.  

My first encounters with shamanism were
Very delicate and full of deep disillusionment.

My previous experience
In the accompaniment of sick people
Very quickly led me to the realization
From the unthought of shamanic practices...
Of their extraordinary potential...
And their all-too-human limitations.


Through my experiences of accompaniment
In palliative care, art-therapy, and hypnosis ...
I understood how much
It can be valuable to prepare methodically
To experiments with shamanic plants...
And how much the integration of spiritual experiences
Mental and physical
Represents a crucial fact...
In the process of integration and incarnation.


That's how my care system was born...
Individual and personalized care process...
Which combines the precision of modern care techniques
To the depths of traditional medicine.

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ⓒ - Renaud Boucher - Nez; la revue olfactive

I currently run a health centre in northern Peru

In a mountain on the outskirts of Tarapoto 

In San Roque de Cumbaza.

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