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Katarina. - (USA)
(Diet 14 Days)

See the vidéo...


Benedicte. - Masseuse (France)
(10 Days Diet)

Return after 10 days with Gabriel. From my arrival until my departure, I felt totally safe. Well the climb to get to the center, I do not talk about it ... Don't come to Gabriel's house if you just want to have a psychedelic experience, you won't belong. Be prepared to discharge any superfluous material comforts. Gabriel is a benevolent, professional, compassionate being and above all he adapts to your rhythm by teaching you to listen to yourself. An intense rhythm for you and him! For me obviously that the path is not finished, there is always work to do but Gabriel, you have been the witness, the support, the listening, the benevolence, the advisor, the coach, the help in understanding what was holding me back on my evolution, on my path. Thanks to you, to your work, stones, stones could be seen, understood and removed from my shoes, backpack. It is therefore lighter, more confident and more connected that I can continue my path and face without wavering the other mountains that I will inevitably encounter on my way. And then if I fall, I know that I have the resources to get up with a smile. Receive all my gratitude and recognition. I would also like to warmly thank its partners: Remy for the preparation of meals and stewardship of the center, Olivia for her massage and Astral theme and Diania for her fabulous massage. I can only recommend this center for all those who wish to reconnect, re-discover themselves understand themselves and love to listen to each other... Highlight, intense and unforgettable moments guaranteed. Thank you ♾️


B... - Business manager, Craftsman. (Peru)
>>> (5-Day Diet)

Well, here is a feedback on my process with you: First of all I am very happy with the work done, you have many tools and products that you master well, you are very attentive and flexible, it's great. The information that came out is very important for me, I've been trying to understand the "whys" for years, and I'm convinced that you managed to put your finger on essential points in my development, and it wasn't easy, so hats off to you for that. The more I think about it, the more things make sense, that's cool. As for the services, Rémy's food and Olivia's massage are top notch I am sincerely very happy with these 5 days with you, your work is impressive and I am convinced that it could only be done with you. Thank you for your help.


Zoé V. - Bilingual Executive Assistant, EN-FR Translator (France)
(Long-term support)

Gabriel helped me to rise from my ashes, first through art therapy and then through EMDR and hypnosis. He has all my esteem, my friendship and my gratitude for the long road we have travelled together exploring different techniques for over 10 years. Thanks to his kindness and his great capacity to listen to you without ever judging you, I have regained confidence in myself and in my potential to finally come out of my chrysalis and find my place in the Universe and on Earth. It is a person to whom you can surrender, without taboo or judgment, to free yourself from your anxieties, your fears and everything that prevents you from moving forward and being you. Helping others has always been part of Gabriel's life and he really puts all his energy and magnetism into it. I recommend Gabriel without any hesitation!


O. - Therapist (Peru)
(5 Days Diet)

I am a single mother of two children and 4 years ago I separated from their father. It unfortunately went very badly, their father abandoned them and since then I have always felt that my eldest son had been very affected. I waited until I met with a trusted therapist for my son to enter therapy. So I met Gabriel who started following my ten-year-old son.. During the summer holidays, my son went into a terrible crisis after depriving him of video games because he was abusing them. He was getting violent at the slightest frustration and I really felt desperate to the point of thinking about a boarding school because I didn't see how I was going to be able to handle it. Gabriel offered me to take him for a week in care. I didn't hesitate for a second. It was an opportunity for me to breathe and an outstretched hand that I could not refuse. I really felt that my child was possessed because there was so much hatred in his seizures. I felt totally helpless in the face of this, totally desperate, thinking that I would not be up to handle this. I said to myself: as long as Gabriel could bring me my little boy. When my son came back, day and night. He was much calmer. Gabriel gave me some advice that I followed and really no more seizures. He could get a little upset but like a normal child. Something had really changed. Gabriel told me that if I really wanted the job done, I too had to do a week of care. I accepted because I am aware that in any relationship, especially between mother and child, there is no real cure if the mother is not treated. It was the longest and shortest week of my life, intense, deep, difficult sometimes, enjoyable too (being able to disconnect from the phone, screens, everyday life and its thousand requirements, real holidays in short...) But good with also his trials, surpassing oneself, his fears, fits of tears but also laughter and big realizations ... I understood when I came back the importance for me to have done this work, for me and for my relationship with my son, of what I could project, to desensitize myself in places where I could have exploded, to manage to distance myself where there were automatisms ... And so I also find it fairer. I believe that in any relationship, everyone must do their part of the work, clean their shadows, wounds to return to themselves and to the other with a new posture. I thank Gabriel very much for his support, his intelligence and his commitment. As I told him, in this life I go through big trials, but I also feel that I have a good instinct to find the right people who help me grow. Another master on my way whom I thank for existing and sharing his knowledge. I also thank the universe for guiding me .I thank my great friend for taking care of my children during my retirement at Gabriel's. And I thank my son, another master on my way who pushed me to do the work. I wish you the same support. And if you are a worried and desperate parent as I have been, I would tell you that in 2 weeks your problem may seem far away. 2 weeks where time expands... 2 weeks not to be missed... Thank you again, Gabriel... An angel on my way (as your name suggests)


Hélène D. - Piano teacher, Music therapist. (France)
>>>(One-off sessions)

"Gabriel has great human qualities and a lot of knowledge and experience in many artistic, philosophical, psychological, spiritual and martial arts fields. During the Hypnosis sessions with Gabriel I could feel a real deep listening and a relevant and precise analysis of the problems to be worked on, highlighting the path to be followed towards healing. All this in a secure and caring environment. These sessions are powerful because of their effect and they last long enough for the work to be done in depth. I highly recommend Gabriel because of the crossroads of his care approaches which can be adapted to each person according to his receptivity and the work on himself that he wants to accomplish. His great humanity and his very calm way of listening to you as well as his permanent research allow him to regularly enrich his way of caring, which also makes him unique. Do not hesitate to consult him. "


Myriam H. - Therapist. (France)
(5 Days Diet)

"Thank you Gabriel for these seven intense days spent with you and the plants. I never imagined that when I came here I'd be able to do more in a week than in 25 years of psychotherapy, to get so much dust out from under the carpet, to make so many links and connections between the different events in my life. connections between the different events in my life. You have an uncommon patience and ability to listen, and an acuity in your perception of the other person's subconscious that I had never encountered before. I particularly appreciated the autonomy you gave me, and the gradual increase in intensity. At the most intense moment, I think I was ready, thank you for that! Thank you also for all the time you take to bring back memories, to guide us until we can make the links, more often than not ourselves, it's very powerful! I don't regret having waited all these years to discover plants with you. I had no idea how powerful the combination of plants, hypnosis and your work as a therapist could be. Thank you for your insight (a real police investigation!) and for the finesse of your analyses, it's really very helpful. Thank you for shedding light on the dark areas and highlighting the projections, very edifying! Finally, thank you for having been on my path to reconciliation with all my parts of Africa, from the most beautiful to the darkest... Thank you, thank you, thank you..."


Gabin. - Office worker. (France)
(Long term support)

"Gabriel helped me to rebuild myself, to get to know myself better, to identify my fears and anxieties and problems of which I was unaware. I was then able to control and resolve them. Having suffered from chronic depression for years, Gabriel helped me to rise from the ashes just as I was about to give up, thinking the worst! Gabriel has been with me for years, and his methods and processes have enabled me not only to rebuild my life but also to develop spiritually, which is one of the greatest riches in this cruel world! Breathing exercises, Ericksonian hypnosis, Amazonian plant-based exercises, EFT, which I practise whenever negative emotions arise, not forgetting EMDR. All the treatments Gabriel has given me have helped me to remain calm and serene on a daily basis, despite some of the difficulties I've encountered. Gabriel has given me the weapons I need to face and overcome them! Gabriel is a caring human being with an innate analytical capacity that he puts at our service, enabling us to combat our problems and develop spiritually. Many thanks Gabriel. "

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