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Have faith in your wisdom...

Which grows stronger

In battles lost

By emotions...

Until the birth

Of the sharpened Fawn

By inner Silence...

On the Sight.



It is the beginning

And the end of Everything.

It is your native land.

It is the throne

And the crown of your sovereignty.

It is your backbone...

The vehicle of your verticality...

The Vision adjusted to your horizon.

It is all this...

The Breath.

The Breath.

Your Breath.

Breathe in...




The Love I give

The Love I receive

The Love I perceive

The Love I feel...

Is proportional...

To the degree of sincerity

With myself.

Sincerity that comes through

Deep awareness

Honest acceptance

And the overcoming

The narcissistic illusions

Projected by the Wound.




Matter is the playing field...

The field of investigation...

The means of introspection of Certainty.

Matter is the Mirror of Perfection.

Through Matter...

Light accepts to accomplish itself...

To accomplish its self-criticism.

Perfection lies in acceptance...

Acceptance of the undulation...

Acceptance of Vibration...

Acceptance of Movement...

Acceptance of Change...

Acceptance of Mystery...

Perfection is

Acceptance of Perfectibility.






Love ...

It's sincerity.

Radical sincerity

With oneself.

Honesty in looking at my shadows...

To observe my fear of everything...

Calming my impatience...

Conquering my jealousy...

To breathe deeply...

Until I smile with confidence

In the virtue

Of detachment.



Fundamental principle
Of balance.



The Judge reveals his Faith...

The Judge reveals his Law...

The limit of his understanding...

Understanding the dynamics

Of human complexity...

The dynamics of evolution

Through involution...

Dynamics of incarnation.




To be spiritual...

Is to understand...

Understanding how much

The Other is a perfect mirror.



To be incarnate...

Being aware...

Of being there...

Here and now...

In these eyes that read these words...

And smile...

Of having understood ....

Or felt something...




To caress is to care

with gentleness...

It's magnetising...

With a touch.


is caring.




Trials are flashes of sunlight

That awakens the seed on the tree...

Until the ripe fruit is harvested...

Until the blossoming of a new vision...

A new energy...

A new life.



Simplicity ...

It's the meeting ...

Meeting the inner child...

Whose language is transparent...

That is to say

Simple and direct...

Is no longer weighed down

By all its fears.




We meet deeply...

And we really love each other...

Through our inner children...

Cured of the conceptual bullshit

As defence mechanism.




Gratuity is less generous...

Less generous...

than generosity...



To live.


Is to meeting...






Means accepting yourself...






Is dying...

A little bit...

Each Day...

Every moment.



The Encounter...

The meeting of a vibration...

The meeting of a vibration

Into the vibration...

The meeting of the eyes

In the Eyes in the Eyes.




Quite strangely...

It is often at the moment of separation...

That we really meet The Other.



Singing ...

It is to laugh with gravity...

It's crying with elegance.


Is laughing and crying...

At the same time.

And vice versa.



Is taking the risk of being seen...
Without the fear
Of being destroyed.


A mature mind...

Free spirit...

Does not seek love...

It spreads its harvest...

Its harvests of letting go.




Do not misunderstand

On the object of your feelings.

It's not the other

You're afraid of losing...

It's the connection to yourself.


That the Presence of The Other

Makes you vibrate.



The truth is...

We have everything

In front of our eyes...

And in our hands...

And in our hearts.

All we have to do is to open them.




I judge The Other...

Where I left off...

At the place where

My mind gave up on complexity.



To be where you are...

At the moment you are there...

It means living in the present.

It means seizing the opportunity

To move to the rhythm of the Heart.



Loving yourself...

means taking the risk

To see yourself...

It means running the risk

To understand yourself...

To change.




Is seeing your life...

Through the eyes of others...




Finding your place...

It's on the inside

where it all happens.




Love is not a diploma...

Neither is Consciousness.

At every moment...

We renew our vows somewhere.


To be free...

It means knowing that you are an instrument.

It means giving up the illusion

Of free will.



Renounce duration...

For Time is your master.

Instead, focus your attention on intensity...

On the depth of your authenticity...

The quality of your Presence.




Truce is first and foremost an inner truce...

Forgiveness is a pact

With yourself.

Outside yourself ...

Be the watchful sentinel of your Word.

It is your perseverance

That will make you surrender

The violence of duplicity...

The venom of pretence.




To love unconditionally...

That is to say

In a divine way...

You would have to renounce

One's humanity.



The truth is...

The truth is...



Being aware

Of our unconsciousness.



Talking about your fear...

Or distress...

That speaks more of love

Than all the declarations of love.




In the foetus

Or the infant...

Disguises itself

in the guise of character.



Knowing yourself...

It means accepting your fragility...

In order to

Leave behind games of projection...

Give up power games...

To finally

Face up to forgetting yourself.

Forgetting depression...

Denial of Suffering.


The word means nothing

Without the vibration that carries it.

The word means

The vibration that carries it.




It is the experience that transforms...

It is the embodiment that sublimates

The passivity of sensitivity...

The theory of empathy...


The power of compassion...

In the act of love.




Knowing yourself...

It means reconnecting with your body...

Your breathing...

Your wounds...

Your heartbeat...




I walk with my face uncovered...

Says the wise man...

This is it

My best disguise...




Deep peace of heart

Is the First of all ...


Of all holy wars.



That which surpasses the other...

That which is stronger than the other

In the other...

Is stronger than you.

Unless you're an exorcist.




As long as I have enemies...

I'm not awake...

I am not conscious...

I don't know about the Unity.


Being unfaithful...

Is above all

Betraying your soul's plan...

Dodging your incarnation...

Lacking love for oneself.



On the plane of Duality...

Free will

Is an egotistical illusion.

Free will only makes sense

Only on the plane of Unity.

Free will

Is a prerogative of the soul

Which manifests itself

Through the choice of its incarnation.


On the plane of Duality

To speak of free will

Is to speak of Channelling...

Channelling that gives full meaning

To the concepts of


Full Consciousness...

Present moment.



Principle for principle's sake...

Loyalty for loyalty's sake...

Loyalty that denies life

Is a symptom of fear...

Symptom of unfaithfulness to life.



The diagnosis

Draws the outline

Of the obstacles we face...


It says nothing about the art

And the way ...

Of the Style

With which

We surpass ourselves.



Welcoming the unexpected...

Honouring the unpredictable...

Glorifying the uncontrollable...

Sanctifying the moment.




It's Knowledge in Action...

It is Science...

Inspired by Love.




Go to the riverside...

Listen quietly

To the laughter

Between the stones and the stream...




The heart can only open...

Only where it is closed.



Between the caterpillar

And the butterfly...

There is the metamorphosis...

The desert crossing...

The depression.




Indicates a phase of synchronisation...

A moment of intimacy

With the whole.


To turn the other cheek...

It means taking a step back...

From a height...

Suspending judgement

Despite the pressure of the facts...

The material evidence of the crime.

Turning the other cheek...

Practice detachment.



In the order of the senses...

The sense of smell comes first.

Smell ...

The sense closest to the essence...

To the essential...



Every word...

No matter how profound...

Is only a gestation...

An egotistical prayer...

As long as it is not

Deeply incarnated...




The mystery begins...


The mystery disappears...


Being a Mother.

Being Mother...

Is feeding on feeding.


Following a spiritual path...

Loving from the heart...

It means working enthusiastically...

To achieve absolute confidence

in the plans of the Universe.



Understanding the Other...

Accepting them as they are...

Is to take the sublime risk

Of welcoming ourselves.



Love is simultaneously

For foundation...

And for horizon...

Perfect detachment...




The unconditional

Coincides with tranquility in absence.

Absence of expectations...

Absence of judgement.



The gratitude of the receiving hand

Is less indebted to the hand that gives...

Than to the present of life as it unfolds.



May your strength

Serve you

To welcome your weakness.



All the advice in the world...

Cannot compete with

The moment of an authentic Presence.



Music is the child of Sound...

Whose father is vibration...

And for grammar the intention...

The intention of Art...

The intention of Harmony.



The soul...

The soul falls asleep in a body...

And wakes up...

Wakes up in another body.



Every thought...

Every word...

Every action...

Claims to carry a truth...

Which can be refuted sooner or later

By its author.

The identity of the person

Is situated in the interval...

Between this truth and its refutation.



You too

You will detach yourself from your palace...

Descend the Ivory Tower of your mind...

To discover

The four cardinal points of time...

Birth, old age, sickness and death

Of change.



Who will ever know

What goes on

Between two people

Who walk...


Growing side by side...

In the tragic

Tragic and sublime of deliverance.



The paradox of detachment...

Leading to unity.




Look at the butterfly...

But not with too much intensity...

Of greed...

For it senses the current of your thoughts...

And it flies away...

Like the evaporation of a staring body...

The disfigured gaze is hidden.

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